CO2 Fractional

CO2 Fractional

Chemical peeling of the skin
- Scars remodeling such as surgical scars, burnt scars, acne scars etc
- Skin renewing and resurfacing, sun damage recovery
- Wrinkle removal and skin tightening
- Pigmentation removal such as intractable chloasmas, age spots, sun spots, blemishes, speckle etc
- Skin excrescence such as wart etc
- Acne treatment
- Vaginal treatment: vaginal tightening, vaginal whitening, urine incontinence
- Arm: korealab co ltd - North Korea
- Laser: access laser company- America
- Screen: Taiwan
- Electricity supplier: Japan
- Key switch and emergency key: IDEC Japan
- Headers: 6
- Quality certification: FDA USA (K162398), Medical CE, TGA Australian, CFDA
- Warranty: 3 years
- Maintenance: Iraq, Free

المشاهدات : 3647